Gas Boiler Service vs Electric Boiler Service – Understanding the Differences

Gas and electric boilers are two of the most common types of boilers used in homes and businesses. Both require regular servicing to ensure that they are running safely and efficiently. However, there are differences between gas boiler service and electric boiler service that homeowners and business owners should be aware of.

One of the key differences between gas boiler service and electric boiler service is the type of fuel they use. Gas boilers operate using natural gas, which is supplied through a network of pipes. Electric boilers, on the other hand, use electricity to heat water. Because of this, gas boilers require a gas safety check as part of their annual service, while electric boilers do not. Another difference is the cost of the service. Gas boiler service tends to be more expensive than electric boiler service, as gas boilers are more complex and require more checks.

Gas Boiler Service: An Overview

Gas boilers are a popular choice for heating systems in the UK. To ensure that they run efficiently and safely, it is recommended that they are serviced annually by a Gas Safe registered engineer. A gas boiler service involves a thorough inspection of the boiler and its components, cleaning, and testing of the system.

During a gas boiler service, the engineer will typically perform the following tasks:

  • Check the boiler for gas leaks
  • Inspect the flue and ventilation
  • Clean the burner and heat exchanger
  • Check the water pressure and flow rate
  • Test the safety devices
  • Check the thermostat and controls
  • Check the radiators and valves

Regular gas boiler servicing can help to prevent breakdowns, increase efficiency, and prolong the life of the boiler. It can also help to identify any potential safety issues, such as carbon monoxide leaks.

The cost of a gas boiler service can vary depending on the location, the type of boiler, and the engineer. However, it is typically around £100. Some boiler cover plans include an annual service as part of the package.

Overall, gas boiler servicing is an important part of maintaining a safe and efficient heating system. It is recommended that homeowners have their gas boilers serviced annually to ensure that they are running at their best.

Electric Boiler Service: An Overview

When it comes to electric boilers, they are relatively low maintenance and require less frequent servicing than gas boilers. However, it is still important to have an annual electric boiler service carried out by a qualified engineer to ensure that it is running efficiently and safely.

During an electric boiler service, the engineer will check the electrical connections, the heating elements, and the controls to ensure that they are all functioning correctly. They will also check for any leaks or signs of damage and clean any accumulated debris or sediment from the system.

It is worth noting that electric boilers can be more expensive to service than gas boilers, as they require specialist equipment and expertise. However, the cost of an electric boiler service is still likely to be lower than the cost of a gas boiler service and repair.

Overall, regular electric boiler servicing is essential for ensuring that your boiler continues to operate efficiently and safely, and can help to prevent costly breakdowns and repairs in the future.

Key Differences

Gas boiler service and electric boiler service are two different processes that serve different purposes. Here are some key differences between the two:

Fuel Source

Gas boilers run on natural gas, while electric boilers run on electricity. This means that gas boilers require a gas supply and electric boilers require an electrical supply.


Gas boilers require regular maintenance to ensure that they are running safely and efficiently. A gas boiler service involves checking the individual boiler parts to make sure they’re clean and working efficiently. On the other hand, electric boilers require very little maintenance, as they have fewer moving parts and don’t require a flue or chimney.


Gas boilers pose a potential safety risk, as they can leak carbon monoxide if they’re not maintained properly. A gas boiler service includes a gas safety check to ensure that the appliance is running safely. Electric boilers, on the other hand, are considered safer, as they don’t produce carbon monoxide and don’t require a gas supply.


Gas boilers are generally more efficient than electric boilers, as gas is a cheaper fuel source than electricity. However, electric boilers are considered more environmentally friendly, as they don’t produce emissions and can be powered by renewable energy sources.


The cost of a gas boiler service varies depending on the engineer and the location, but it typically ranges from £60 to £100. Electric boilers require very little maintenance, which means that the cost of servicing them is much lower.

Overall, gas boiler service and electric boiler service are two different processes that serve different purposes. It’s important to choose the right type of boiler for your property and to ensure that it’s maintained properly to ensure safety and efficiency.

Energy Efficiency

When it comes to energy efficiency, electric boilers have an advantage over gas boilers. Electric boilers can be more energy efficient as no fossil fuels are being burnt during operation. This can help reduce carbon emissions and make them a more environmentally friendly option. In addition, they can be more efficient in converting energy to heat, with some models boasting efficiencies of up to 99%.

On the other hand, gas boilers can also be highly efficient, with some models boasting efficiencies of up to 98%. However, they do require fossil fuels to operate, which means that they contribute to carbon emissions.

It is worth noting that the overall energy efficiency of a boiler is not just determined by its type, but also by factors such as its size, age, and maintenance. Regular servicing can help improve the energy efficiency of both gas and electric boilers, ensuring that they are running at their optimal level.

In terms of maintenance, electric boilers may require less frequent servicing than gas boilers, as they have fewer moving parts and no combustion process. This can make them a more cost-effective option in the long run, as servicing costs can add up over time.

Ultimately, when it comes to energy efficiency, both gas and electric boilers have their advantages and disadvantages. It is important to consider factors such as cost, environmental impact, and maintenance requirements when choosing between the two.

Installation and Maintenance

When it comes to installation, gas boilers require a gas supply and a flue to remove waste gases, while electric boilers only need a power supply. This means that gas boilers are more complicated to install and require a professional gas engineer. On the other hand, electric boilers can be installed by a qualified electrician.

Maintenance for both gas and electric boilers is important to ensure they operate efficiently and safely. Gas boilers require an annual service by a Gas Safe registered engineer, which includes checking the boiler’s safety and efficiency, cleaning the inside of the boiler, and checking for any faults. Electric boilers, on the other hand, require less maintenance as they have fewer parts that can wear out or malfunction. However, it is still recommended to have an annual service by a qualified electrician to check the boiler’s safety and efficiency.

In terms of cost, gas boiler services are generally more expensive than electric boiler services due to the complexity of the system and the need for a Gas Safe registered engineer. Electric boiler services are simpler and can be carried out by a qualified electrician, making them generally cheaper.

Overall, both gas and electric boilers require regular maintenance to ensure they operate safely and efficiently. Gas boilers are more complicated to install and require a professional gas engineer, while electric boilers can be installed by a qualified electrician. Gas boiler services are generally more expensive than electric boiler services due to the complexity of the system and the need for a Gas Safe registered engineer.

Cost Differences

When it comes to the cost of servicing a gas boiler versus an electric boiler, there are a few key differences to consider.

Firstly, the cost of a standard boiler service for a gas boiler typically ranges from £100 to £150. However, if a more thorough service is needed, the cost can increase to around £200. On the other hand, the cost of servicing an electric boiler is usually lower, ranging from £80 to £120.

It’s important to note that the cost of servicing a boiler can vary depending on the make and model of the boiler, as well as the location of the property. Additionally, some companies may charge more for emergency callouts or weekend appointments.

Another factor to consider is the running costs of the boiler. While electric boilers may have lower service costs, they can be more expensive to run than gas boilers. This is because electricity is generally more expensive than gas in the UK.

Overall, when deciding between a gas boiler and an electric boiler, it’s important to consider both the initial installation costs and the ongoing running and servicing costs. It may be helpful to consult with a heating engineer or compare quotes from different companies to determine the most cost-effective option for your specific needs.

Safety Considerations

When it comes to boiler services, safety is a top priority. Both gas and electric boilers can pose potential hazards if not properly maintained.

Gas boilers require annual gas safety checks to ensure that they are operating safely and efficiently. These checks are legally mandated in the UK and must be performed by a Gas Safe registered engineer. During the gas safety check, the engineer will inspect the boiler and its components for any signs of damage or wear and tear that could lead to a gas leak or other safety hazard. They will also check for proper ventilation and ensure that the boiler is operating within the manufacturer’s specifications.

Electric boilers, on the other hand, do not require gas safety checks. However, they still require regular maintenance to ensure that they are operating safely and efficiently. During an electric boiler service, the engineer will inspect the boiler and its components for any signs of damage or wear and tear that could lead to a safety hazard. They will also check the electrical connections and ensure that the boiler is operating within the manufacturer’s specifications.

It is important to note that both gas and electric boilers can pose a risk of carbon monoxide poisoning if not properly maintained. Carbon monoxide is a colourless, odourless gas that can be deadly if inhaled in high concentrations. Gas boilers can produce carbon monoxide if they are not properly ventilated or if there is a problem with the flue or chimney. Electric boilers, while not producing carbon monoxide, can still pose a risk of electrical shock or fire if not properly maintained.

To ensure the safety of your home and family, it is important to have your boiler serviced regularly by a qualified engineer. This will not only help to prevent potential safety hazards but also ensure that your boiler is operating efficiently, which can help to reduce your energy bills and prolong the life of your boiler.

Environmental Impact

When it comes to environmental impact, electric boilers are often considered to be more eco-friendly than gas boilers. This is because electric boilers do not produce emissions during operation, whereas gas boilers emit carbon dioxide and other pollutants.

However, it’s important to note that the environmental impact of electric boilers can vary depending on the source of electricity generation. If electricity is generated from renewable sources such as wind or solar power, then the environmental benefits of electric boilers are maximized. On the other hand, if electricity is generated from fossil fuels, then the environmental benefits may be diminished.

Gas boilers, on the other hand, have a more significant impact on the environment due to their emissions. However, modern gas boilers are designed to be more efficient than older models, which means they produce fewer emissions and are more environmentally friendly.

Ultimately, the environmental impact of a boiler service will depend on a variety of factors, including the type of boiler, the source of electricity generation, and the efficiency of the boiler. It’s important to consider these factors when choosing a boiler service, and to opt for the most environmentally friendly option available.


In conclusion, both gas and electric boilers require regular servicing to ensure their safe and efficient operation. While gas boilers require annual servicing to comply with legal requirements and maintain safety, electric boilers may only require servicing every few years.

Gas boiler servicing involves a thorough inspection of the boiler, gas pipework, flue, and ventilation system. The engineer will check for any leaks, corrosion, or damage and clean the boiler and its components. They will also test the boiler’s performance and safety features.

Electric boiler servicing involves checking the electrical connections, controls, and heating elements. The engineer will also inspect the water pressure and temperature and ensure the boiler is working efficiently.

It’s important to note that gas boiler servicing is typically more expensive than electric boiler servicing due to the additional safety checks required. However, gas boilers are generally more cost-effective to run than electric boilers, so the savings over time may be worth the extra cost of servicing.

Ultimately, the choice between a gas or electric boiler will depend on a range of factors, including the property’s heating requirements, budget, and energy efficiency goals. Homeowners should consult with a qualified heating engineer to determine the best option for their needs.